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uzones (Post Boxes At The Bottom Of The Hill)

When he developed the Galera, Mr Jaime Cortes passed the small building at the entrance together with the post boxes to be used by what was, in those days, a robust residents’ association. That robustness perished over the years until we formed Palmeras de Altea to take over and the building and the post boxes are now the property of our Palmeras de Altea residents’ association. Access to the buzones for the delivery of mail is restricted to the postman who delivers and distributes The Galera residents’ mail and to Board members. The Ayuntamiento has informally hinted that our Galera is no longer deemed a ‘private’ urbanisation so the Altea Post Office may at some time in the future start delivering mail to residents’ doors. We wait in hope and, in the meantime, the use of a buzon is available only for paid up members of the association without further fee – this being included in the annual subscription.

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