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ite policy

Palmeras de Altea operates a strict policy covering our website’s content, forum functionality and other features available on or via the site. Members of Palmeras de Altea who are registered users of the site are invited to peruse the Association’s Minutes of Meetings and to post their views, comments, ideas, insights, and criticisms in the Forum section. Users should show courtesy and respect for others and shall not abuse the Forum. The following consitute a non-exclusive list of unacceptable uses – false headers, addresses, or identities; personal attacks, threats, slurs, ad hominem abusive language; unauthorised commercial solicitation; in excess of four posts per 24 hour period in respect of a single suggestion. Palmeras de Altea reserves the right to enforce this Acceptable Use Policy  if and when it concludes, at its sole discretion, that behavioural transgressions have taken place and furthermore reserves the right to remove any posting(s) which meet these negative criteria. Repeated infringements may lead to withdrawal of posting rights by the party or parties concerned.

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