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ote to Residents

 Dear Neighbour,


We hope that you are one of the majority who recognises the valuable and painstaking efforts made over the last few years to improve our environment and that you DO pay into the association’s funds. If not, you should certainly become a member and add your own contribution alongside those who are already helping to keep the Galera really beautiful, which advantage you and yours reap! You can obtain a membership form from either the secretary or from info@palmerasdealtea.es and you can conveniently leave duly filled out membership forms with bank direct debit mandate details or with cheques in the association’s own box at the the buzon area at the bottom of the Puput hill. Remember – it’s only €150 at present for annual membership – hardly the cost of two good dinners – and we intend to continue to work actively in your interests. To maximise these efforts, we need maximum support and funding.


Yours sincerely,

Alexandre le Boulaire


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