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ltea Festivals & Holidays

National and regional holidays for 2016/17 may be found at http://www.feiertagskalender.ch/index.php?hl=en&geo=3493


See also – very informative (in Spanish) –  http://www.alteamipueblo.es/


The Spanish are famous for their festivals (fiestas), and the town of Altea has them in abundance. There are many fiestas throughout the year, some larger than others. Most are a colourful and vibrant affair, lasting well into the evening and night; some last as long as a week.


Many of the festivals in Altea correspond to a particular period in the town’s history. Here we list some of the more popular (and typically the larger) fiestas to look out for:


 June 24th is host to the Feast of San Pedro and La Virgen de Carmen. This is a semi-religious fiesta with Christian undertones but essentially celebrates the summer solstice. This involves fireworks, eating, drinking and dancing.


On the evening of the second saturday in August a great fireworks display takes place at the La Olla beach area near us on the way into Altea town.


In the last week of September the “Moros y Christianos” (Muslims and Christians) fiesta commemorates the expulsion of the Moors from Altea in the 13th century. Many locals celebrate the festivity by way of donning often elaborate costumes and parading through the town streets.


The New Year or Nochevieja is typically celebrated on the 31st of December in the town’s main square, which overlooks Altea bay.


There are other local festivals both in Altea and in Altea la Vella celebrated with fireworks and with music. 

January 5th – The Three Kings. Arrival of the three kings with the children’s presents.

Easter week – concerts of religious, classical and traditional music. 

December – End of the year fiesta in the Plaza de la Iglesia.

There are also local fiestas such as San Antonio (Partida Cap Blanc), San Juan (Partida El Fornet) including the “Planting the Tree” by local unmarried people, and San Pedro y Virgen Carmen (Calle San Pere).


The Ayuntamiento is a good source of local information about what’s cooking!


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