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We would like to welcome you to this website of the Palmeras de Altea residents association. Our object is to represent all the property owners and residents on our urbanisation of La Galera de Las Palmeras. You will see links above to the various correspondence which led to the formation of our association back in 2011. It is our hope that you will find the material published on our site of interest and of value. The aim of our site will be to keep you updated with happenings, events and developments which affect us all who live on the beautiful Galera. Your input and comments to the association’s Secretary at secretary@palmerasdealtea.es or its webmaster at info@palmerasdealtea.es will be gladly received. Furthermore, if you are not already a member but own a home or a plot on the Galera – or are only a resident – do please join us via the link to the membership form under ‘Association’.

The cost is MODEST and the association needs YOU to swell our ranks to better negotiate our COMMUNAL INTERESTS with the Ayuntamiento town hall.


If you are not a native English speaker, please forgive the use of English in most of the material on this site. English, although we are in Spain, is the lingua franca of the world and we hope you will be at least moderately comfortable with it. The website will nevertheless show, in many places, important material

in other languages (ES, FR, DE, NL, even RU) alongside the English version. You may also contact us in any of these languages although our Secretary Alexandre le Boulaire is fluent in Spanish, English and French.


Palmeras de Altea would like to point out that all information offered on this site is given on a “Best of Our Knowledge” basis and the association cannot and will not be responsible for any errors or omissions

  • News archive